Scraping ice off your windshield while wishing for flipflop weather?
We promise Spring is right around the corner and Greeley, Colorado is gearing up to celebrate.
When you’re unbundlingyour 2024’s failsdetermined to reshape 2025, forget about Peloton or joining a gym. While cardio fitness is prime, the only change youneed to make your financial and physical nutthis coming year is investment in a motel.
It’s true.
It’s affordable. Manageable. And revenue rich when the owner (and family perhaps) resides at the motel.Run it yourself: handle the computer, the cleaning and small repairs and the net is surprisingly huge.
Greeley is the fastest growing city in Colorado. It’s currently the state’s 11th largest city with a population of 110,000+. Greeley has surpassed Boulder in growth. And from 2010 to 2022 Greeley’s population grew by 30%+.
While staying at the Rainbow Motel, take advantage of nearby holiday adventures, most within walking distance.
Three celebrations at Greeley’s Festival of Trees at Union Colony Civic Center, 701 10th Ave.
Jerry from Janesville, Iowa traveled through Greeley en route to the Goodguys Rod & Custom Association Car Show in Loveland September 6-8, 2024. In the iconic car…a 1950 Studebaker Champion Coupe. That’s 3 years older than the Rainbow Motel!